Fuel prices main driver of inflation

Inflation rose to 4 per cent last month, with fuel price developments being the main cause. This is according to figures published by Statistics Netherlands on Tuesday.
“Motor fuel price developments had the biggest upward effect on inflation developments,” CBS reported. While motor fuel prices were 1.5 per cent lower in November than in the same month a year earlier, a month earlier (last October) prices were as much as 7 per cent lower than in the same month the year before.
From 1.90 to 1.95 euros
And this means that a litre of petrol became 5 euro cents more expensive on average in one month. Last October, that average litre price was still 1.90 euros, last November it was 1.95 euros. The price of a litre of diesel rose from 1.64 euros in October to 1.72 eurosin November.Incidentally, fuel prices were not the only driver of inflation. Price movements of airline tickets and clothing also contributed to the rise.