Automatic signal

New cooperation against fuel theft with blacklist in TankAlert

Kentekenhouders die in een periode van één jaar, twee keer tanken zonder te betalen, kunnen op de landelijke lijst van TankAlert geregistreerd worden.

BigBrother and SODA have joined forces in developing a new service called TankAlert. TankAlert offers a solution to efficiently reduce fuel theft.

License plate holders who in a period of one year, fill up twice without paying can be registered on TankAlert’s national list. The moment a registered vehicle tries to refuel at a participating filling station, the employee will automatically receive a signal, preventing another unpaid refuelling. A registration can be lifted after payment of outstanding claims.

Automatic recognition

BigBrother is an established name in the petrol station industry and has years of experience in security. SODA specialises in damages recovery through civil law and, in an existing service, supports petrol station operators in recovering damages arising after fuel theft. By combining knowledge and expertise, an innovative approach is now available in the fight against fuel theft.

BigBrother provides petrol stations with the necessary technology and connects participants to the Watch-it platform. By using the platform, automatic recognition and alerting of registered license plates is possible. SODA manages the blacklist with a licence from the Personal Data Authority and recovers outstanding debt.


TankAlert’s modus operandi and conditions are carefully laid down in a protocol approved by the AP (Personal Data Authority), ensuring a transparent and clear modus operandi. TankAlert is available to SODA participants in combination with BigBrother’s Watch-it platform.

Also read:

This article was automatically translated from the Dutch language original to English.

Author: Belinda Meijers
