Trade association

Paul Smits new chairman BOVAG Petrol Stations

Paul Smits (midden), eigenaar van H2Point, bij de opening van een waterstoftankstation in Roosendaal.

At the general members’ meeting of BOVAG Petrol Stations on 19 December, Paul Smits was appointed chairman of the branch.

Jan Paul Kerkhof’s move to BOVAG’s association board left the position of chairman vacant. Paul Smits, owner of H2Point B.V., has been active as a BOVAG Tank Stations board member since 2020.

During the ALV, members present also approved the reappointment of Ed van Zuijlen for a second term as board member. Van Zuijlen, owner of Service Station Cor Middelweerd B.V., has also been on the BOVAG Tankstations board since 2020.

(Source: BOVAG)

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This article was automatically translated from the Dutch language original to English.

Author: Belinda Meijers
