40 million next year

SWIM grant good for over 200 more hydrogen vehicles

SWIM - tankstation en vervoer
De subsidiepot wordt de volgende ronde verhoogd van 28 naar 40 miljoen euro.

With a total of EUR 28 million in subsidies provided, the Hydrogen in Mobility (SWIM) subsidy scheme says it is good for more than two hundred additional hydrogen vehicles and the realisation of more hydrogen refuelling stations. By 2025, the subsidy pot will be filled by €40 million.

From mid-July to early September this year, applications could be submitted to the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland. This happened 12 times and in nine cases the applications were honoured. In early December, an additional EUR 6 million in subsidies was even added, bringing the total to EUR 28 million.

“Before the end of 2027, there will be more hydrogen refuelling stations in the Netherlands. An additional 192 heavy vehicles, 10 passenger vans and nine small vans will also run on hydrogen,” the RVO translates the impact of the subsidy into figures. “The increase in the budget allows projects such as hydrogen refuelling stations in Nijmegen and Venlo to start.” Three existing filling stations will also be expanded thanks to the extra money.


Currently, the counter in terms of hydrogen stations in the Netherlands stands at 23, some of which are suitable for heavy road transport. By 2030, every urban hub in the country should have such a refuelling station and the SWIM grant should play a driving role in this. Applications can only be made by partnerships. Two of the nine applications now awarded grants, for example, revolve around Fountain Fuel’s hydrogen refuelling stations.

Parties can apply for grants again during next year. The scheme will then open on 1 April and it will close again on 7 May 2025. Moreover, at €40 million, there is significantly more money available that round.

This article was automatically translated from the Dutch language original to English.

Author: Vincent Krabbendam

Source: MobilityEnergy.com